Why You Need a Birth Plan

You may be asking yourself, “Why should I make a birth plan when I’m getting this baby out one way or another?”. Well, imagine you’re planning a summer getaway. You’d probably start by making an itinerary. You’d decide where you’d like to stay, how you’re going to get there, where you’re planning to eat, and highlight the attractions you’re hoping to enjoy. 

This might look like taking a car, train, or plane. It may involve staying in a tent, RV, or hotel. You will probably choose some restaurants you’d like to try, and some sights you’d like to see. By having an itinerary you know what the trip will look like and have an idea of the places you most want to visit while away. 

Of course things may come up along the way and alter your plans. Perhaps you end up with a flat tire and need to make a stop at a local mechanic before getting back on the road. Maybe you absolutely despise driving and chose to take a plane instead. There was a layover and you didn’t get in til later than expected. You can still check in to your hotel, but you missed dinner that night. You know trying that restaurant was really important to you so you slide it to the next day's plans. Maybe a hotel isn’t your thing, no problem! You chose a campsite to be surrounded by nature. Sometimes the weather alters our plans and of course we don’t have much say in that matter. The point is we still made the plans and checked a lot off our bucket list. Even with the flat tire, and the rain, we still had a pretty fun time. We knew when we were returning home and how we were going to get there. 

How does this relate to birth? Birth is also a journey. A very unique and intimate journey, one where we can find our inner strength and power. And yes, you will have your baby one way or another, but being informed and having a birth plan puts YOU in the driver’s seat. Birth preferences may be a more accurate representation than birth plan, as birth is quite unpredictable. Whether you prefer plan or preferences, I still think it’s important that you have one! 

Your birth plan is like an itinerary for your labor, will you be giving birth at home? In the hospital? Or maybe a freestanding birth center? The choice is yours. Who will be coming with you? This is your journey, only invite people who make you feel comfortable and at ease. (That overbearing aunt you don’t invite on family trips? You probably don’t want to bring her into your birth space either!) Do you want to labor in your own clothes? Eat during labor, move around, labor in the tub? Once again, these are all choices that YOU get to make! Do you want to labor unmedicated or get an epidural? What interventions are you okay with, and which ones are you not? Will your baby be immediately placed skin to skin uninterrupted for the first hour? Which common newborn procedures will you choose to have performed? How do you plan to feed your baby? These choices and so many more are all yours, and put together they make up your birth plan. You probably already know what you’d choose for some of these questions, some of them you may need more information to make an informed decision, and some you may change your mind about in labor. It’s helpful to write down these answers so that you can reference them as needed during labor, and provide your care team with a list of your wishes. 

Things will come up throughout the course of your labor, but just because one item on your birth plan changes doesn’t mean you can’t carry out the rest of your journey as planned. As a doula I am here to help you explore all of your options, and create a birth plan that makes you feel good. During labor I will be by your side to navigate any bumps in the road, and provide physical and emotional comfort to you and your birth partner. When plans do change I will be there to talk things through with you and help you find comfort with any decisions you may need to make. I will even visit you postpartum to debrief the birth with you, and make sure you’re settling in okay. 

Much like how a travel advisor helps you come up with a great itinerary, using their specialized knowledge to enhance your trip, a doula helps you form and carry out your desired birth plan (and SO much more). I am here to support you and your decisions, and offer unbiased and non-judgemental support. Whether you choose to labor in a birth center or in the hospital, medicated or unmedicated, or have an OB or midwife, I will be by your side offering comfort in whatever form you need. As your doula I want you to feel confident, informed and respected. Reach out today to talk about what you want your birth to look like, and the many ways that having a doula can help. On a breastfeeding or postpartum journey? I can help with that too! Know that I am wishing you the greatest adventure of your life as you journey into parenthood. Don’t forget to pack your bags! And be sure to include a few copies of your birth plan. ;)

Own your birth,

love your birth!

Own your birth, love your birth!


Your Guide to Feeding Cues: Recognizing and Responding to Your Baby’s Needs